Smart Traffic System Solution


Not only do today’s transportation networks carry us from point A to point B, but they also work to address problems such as traffic congestion, a scarcity of resources, and the environmental effect of urban growth.

The term “transportation system” no longer refers to a simple mode of transportation; rather, it refers to a mobile system that can follow, lead, automate and personalise our travel experiences everywhere we go, as well as help controllers detect and manage street accidents right away. Not only that it is beneficial for councils and public authorities, the pedestrians and drivers can also take advantage of a modern CCTV traffic system so they can be protected 24/7.

The use of network technology in transportation resulted in the development of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), which employ data analytics to offer complete insights that are important to the resolution of congested city-related problems.



The most fundamental resolution of the tactic of pursuing stoplight violations is the use of cameras with high-speed frame refresh rates and optimal resolution, which are strategically placed at red light intersections and continuously monitor the signals of traffic lights.

As soon as the light turns red, the camera is activated and records any vehicles that appear to be disobeying the traffic signal. One broad image or three separate photos and information equivalent to the registration number plate of the violator, the signal status, and proof of the violation can be captured by the system. The photos are then synced with the system and sent to the vehicle owner to make the owner aware of the violation and make the necessary arrangements to pay the fine. Once the information has been communicated to the violator, it can include detailed information on the specific date and time of the violation and proof of the breach in photos and videos so that the violator is aware of the precise nature of the violation. With additional capabilities when the image is in the dark, an informatics system equipped with versatile artificial intelligence to assist in determining license plates can be used, eliminating the need for exceptional vehicle cases such as ambulances and fire trucks.

In addition, the processing system can recognize the colour of the vehicle, the automotive manufacturer, and the vehicle model to facilitate comparison with the information and retrieval, when necessary, among other things. Besides, the penalty camera system can help reduce the pressure on the traffic police officers, increase the state’s budget, and make a significant contribution to expanding the self-discipline of pedestrians/drivers in general, thereby preventing things such as solely traffic accidents from occurring. while automatically focusing on special vehicle cases such as ambulances, fire trucks, and other emergency vehicles that need priority.


So, as a professional system consultant, Trantech Security is always self-questioning: what information will the client require regarding the security camera for high-traffic area protection? Different from other areas, we experienced that the traffic areas need high target-focus ability and a stable performance system.

The HD or 4K (depending on areas) footage quality will allow traffic controllers or police, sometimes insurance officers, to see individuals and plates more clearly, making it easier for them to determine which of them poses a threat to their safety or identify whose faults at the scene.

In some conditions, the traffic CCTV system can also help the surrounding areas, in which residential houses take advantage. For example, if a street security camera detects intruders breaking into a home nearby, it will immediately notify the authorities, or the police officers can trace the evidence later easily, eliminating the need for the home’s owner to take any further action. This will be more convenient for the safety of the residents and will make it more comfortable for them to remain in the house.

Last but not least, we know that for customers such as public authorities or official government agencies, they always strictly require that the amount they spend on a security camera system is well worth it in terms of allowing them to easily protect their responsible areas.

Therefore, Trantech networking engineers must always consider carefully every detail of the master plan to ensure their requirements, along with possible issues, are solved even though they have not thought about them yet. We researched and complied with the Australian traffic situation to make sure all the systems are secured and efficient.



With this general solution, we guarantee to deliver the following benefits:

  • Enhance safety – Reduce traffic accidents through increasing driver knowledge of traffic rules via education and training. Detection and enforcement of effective violations.
  • Decrease human effort and expense – Advanced technologies such as LPR and fuzzy search decrease the strain on the police force’s personnel while improving the efficiency with which they execute the law.
  • Increase efficiency – Significantly increases passenger safety and comfort, while also providing significant social and economic benefits. Economic advantages accrue as a result of energy conservation and environmental protection.

However, this is not a one-life-time solution. We understand the smart trend of devices and technologies, which motivates us to keep learning, so we are able to provide the most suitable solution for customers.


  1. Requirement 1: Red light enforcement

Red light enforcement
Red light enforcement

The Red Light Enforcement Solution is built on a system that synchronises the state of red light signals with the signal that triggers the cameras. The all-in-one capture camera from Dahua manufacturer (from whom Trantech is the official supplier) records three pictures of the infraction as it happens, which may be used as proof in the case of a violation. The licence plate of the car, the state of the traffic light, and an overview of the situation are all shown in these pictures. Subsequently, the DSS management and storage platform gathers the data from each camera and sends it to the client operators for further processing. When a transmission failure occurs, data from the cameras is stored on edge storage devices to guarantee that it is not lost.

  1. Requirement 2: Speeding Detection

Speeding Detection
Speeding Detection

Transportation authorities can identify cars that are exceeding the posted speed limit in any weather conditions with the Dahua Point Speed Enforcement system (Trantech always uses official manufacturer’s software). Due to the system’s integrated architecture, it is simple to use and set up, and it is inexpensive. An 8MP CCD camera and a multi-target tracking radar are used to give an accurate immediate speed measurement of each passing vehicle while also capturing high-quality pictures of the environment. Furthermore, the infrared flashlight guarantees that the camera’s image capabilities are outstanding even at night.

  1. Requirement 3: Speed Tracking at Sections

Speed Tracking at Sections
Speed Tracking at SectionsSpeed Tracking at Sections

The ANPR camera (or AI camera with plate recording feature) records the plate number and time at both the start and conclusion of the segment, and this information is sent to the control centre of public authorities. After that, the DSS calculates the average velocity of each passing vehicle. The margin of error in velocity detection decreases as the length of the section is increased. The suggested distance between portions is 2-6km, with accuracy reaching up to 99.8 per cent in certain cases. It is also possible to establish various velocity restrictions for different kinds of vehicles.

  1. Requirement 4: Bus Lane Tracking

Bus Lane Tracking
Bus Lane Tracking

One or a few cameras having License Plate Recognition (LPR) capability, capable of collecting both the licence plate number and the vehicle identification number. Photograph of the car passing into the bus lane taken in colour. The pictures are then uploaded to the DSS platform, along with the associated metadata. The car registration database’s list of authorised vehicles, which is updated regularly (customers’ server). These records may then be checked for accuracy and traffic fines may be issued once they have been verified and approved Vehicles may also be sorted using custom rules or plate colour, according to the DSS.

  1. Requirement 5: Parking Violations

Parking Violations
Parking Violations

To identify parking infractions, the Parking Enforcement system is used. Simple and effective monitoring of parked vehicles in specific, precisely defined zones is achieved via the use of this device. In places where stopping or parking is banned, or in areas where parking time is limited, it may be used to efficiently monitor the situation. Since Trantech genuinely supplies the CCTV system from the manufacturer officially, we know and ensure Dahua is dedicated to protecting pedestrians, reducing the strain on public transit, and assisting the handicapped population. The system may monitor streets and pre-defined regions to identify parking violations. As soon as a vehicle is identified as being in the area, a ticket is issued if you are stopped in or parked in a prohibited location. The parking ticket is accompanied by a collection of evidence materials, which includes photographs of the offending car as well as photographs of the licence plate, which are taken automatically once the LPR has identified the number.

  1. Requirement 6: Real-Time Display and Signal Control

Real-Time Display and Signal Control
Real-Time Display and Signal Control

Daily, millions of Australians are inconvenienced by traffic congestion. Accidents, road construction, or just a large number of vehicles on the road may cause traffic congestion on the highways going into and out of most major cities, resulting in gridlock. The VACS from Dahua manufacturer, from whom Trantech is the official supplier, is a traffic signal timing system that can adjust traffic light intervals based on the length of the observed vehicle queue at road junctions. It makes use of a traffic flow camera to gather data on things like traffic flow, headway, average speed, occupancy, and wait for the duration, among other things. It successfully improves traffic conditions by adapting to allow traffic to clear more quickly than before. Furthermore, the system is self-sufficient and does not need the use of a centralised software platform.


For high traffic scenarios, smart security cameras, particularly Wi-Fi-enabled devices, are an excellent alternative to hardwired (analogue) security cameras, which can be challenging to install due to their limited range.

Before deploying your CCTV system on the road, we are proud to emphasise our strengths to help you visualize the benefits of the security system you have from us:

  • Red light-weight cameras effectively discourage red-light running because they are light in weight.
  • Cameras do not infringe on people’s privacy. Having the correct signal timing order makes intersections safer to navigate.
  • The manufacturer’s close support is extremely important because the devices are outdoor all the time. So, Trantech frequently keeps close connections with manufacturers to update the latest information and technical support.

In the end, we understand that customers must certify that their investment in a security system, especially the huge system like in traffic areas, will be well worth it. Consequently, the reputation and supportability of the system designer/supplier is the most important factor to consider.